
Perks of a Staycation

Last week, I was on a wee staycation in County Sligo with my family. This was my summer holiday of the year, because in case you forgot, there’s a pandemic on. I’ve seen loads of photos and stories on my Instagram and Facebook newsfeeds of people I know going abroad, and even to countries that aren’t on the ‘green list’, and I just think, are you mad?

Obviously, going abroad to a sunny and warm country is the dream, but I’d rather stay safe and cold, to be honest. There’s loads of perks to going on staycation, besides reducing the risk of contracting coronavirus, spreading it and living in a constant state of fear and paranoia (because that’s apparently not enough of an incentive for some people), so here’s a few of ‘em.

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No Planes or Trains, just an Automobile

We didn’t have to go to an airport and face crowds and queues; we didn’t have to sit beside strangers and breathe in recycled air and the smell of those horrible cheese toasties for 2 hours; we didn’t have to sit on a packed train, bus or tram; all we did was get into our car and drive.  

We could stop when we wanted for fresh air, to stretch our legs and for a much-needed cup of tea picnic. The car wasn’t cramped, stuffy or filled with the air of paranoia. We were travelling alone, so we were only surrounded with each other; people from the same household and people who actually follow social distancing and health regulations (yes, we do exist). We didn’t have to worry about being near strangers, or people getting in our personal space and breaking the “stay as far away from everyone as physically possible” rule that so many like to.     

Also: we could pack whatever the hell we wanted. Liquids? Brought 6 litres of milk, 500ml of hand sanitiser and a litre of SPF 50 sun cream (I was trying to manifest the sun). Instead of only being able to bring a wee tiny suitcase, we had the whole car boot to play with. Yeah, I only filled a back pack, but we brought picnic flasks, food (mostly pineapples), winter coats, tea bags and A LASAGNE. Try sneaking one of ‘em on your Ryanair. Pffft.

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Understanding the Language

One thing I don’t really like about being on holiday abroad is not having a baldy what anything means and having to Google Translate every single menu item, sign and notice. Staying in Ireland meant that I could read things and understand people.

This is especially important in the middle of a pandemic; where signs and notices about the COVID-19 restrictions, rules and requirements for shops, hotels, toilets and venues are all over the place and you kinda need to know what they say. I could read how many customers were allowed in a shop at once, whether you had to book in advance, whether places were open, closed or working reduced hours. Yeah, sure, most signs and notices have wee diagrams to help you out, but I still found it really reassuring to actually know what was going on and what I was meant to do.

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Being Familiar with the COVID-19 Regulations

Because I live here, I know what the current coronavirus situation is. I’m familiar with the restrictions and regulations in place, what I can and can’t do and what sort of places are open. I also know how bad things are. If I went abroad, I’d be panicking about not knowing how the country’s coped with coronavirus, how many cases and deaths there’ve been and what their plan is for overcoming the whole shenanigans. I know what the Irish government’s done, what they’re doing and what they’re planning to do (well, roughly, like, does anyone really know what the government’s at?).

I also didn’t have to worry about not being able to get home, my flight being cancelled or being left stranded if something went wrong and lockdown was imposed again. I knew I could easily get home (as easy as a four hour drive from one end of the country to another is), because I was home. And I didn’t have to quarantine. Yay.

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We were in Control

We chose when we left the house, where we went; when we got there and how many picnics we had on the way. Well, my parents did.

There was no waking up at 5am for a 10am flight, delays with no explanation or apology, missing buses or getting on the wrong one and just going to wherever the driver is taking you. I didn’t have to worry about sitting beside strangers or being trapped at the window seat and desperately needing the bathroom.

On the way home, we called at a beach, went for coffee, stopped off in some villages for a quick leg-stretch and toilet break and had some picnics. We left the house at 9:15am and didn’t get home until 5:30pm, but that’s what we chose to do. We chose to take those detours and pit-stops. Well, my ma did, because she was driving so was kinda in control there.  

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No Public Transport

Pretty much the same as the above; no soul-destroying paranoia, recycled air, people REFUSING to wear masks, standing beside people and being too afraid to breathe or touch anything.

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Having Space

Sligo is a decent sized county, like. And the nature of Ireland is that it’s full of small towns and villages with even smaller populations. We went for walks on beaches, piers, mountains, around lakes and in forests. We didn’t go to any busy tourist attractions like museums, statues, aquariums or anything like you do when you go abroad. Well, I don’t go to any of those things anyway, but you get the picture. We were out in the open air and could stay well away from people. It was a very social holiday, as you can see.

We travelled in our own car, stayed in a house with just us, and didn’t have social gatherings with other people. We obviously interacted with people like servers and shop assistants, and said “Hiya” to pretty much everyone we walked past because that’s just what you do in the country. But, it was very much a family holiday and was “just us” in our wee bubble. And I loved it.

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I love going abroad and seeing different countries and cultures, being warm, seeing the SUN, going somewhere where you don’t know anyone, visiting new places and trying new things. But, I don’t love being paranoid, anxious and scared. Surprise!

There’re so many places I’ve never been to or haven’t properly explored in Ireland, but going on staycation never would’ve appealed to me because I’m always focussed on getting as far away from here as I can. But, this was the perfect excuse and motivation to go see some of ‘em. And, you know what? Ireland’s actually a really pretty country, who’d have thought?

Don’t get me wrong, like, as soon as I feel safe going abroad, I’m jumping on a plane to Copenhagen or Italy or somewhere (roll on 2022!!) but in the mean time, I’m happy to stay in Ireland and be able to bring as many pineapples with me as I please.